845-563-3111 info@newwindsorems.com

Our Vehicles

NWEMS is equipped with the best-in-class equipment to safely and properly respond, arrive, and assist you as fast as possible. Learn more about our fleet of vehicles and equipment.

Emergency Vehicles For All Your Particular Needs

Our on-call, emergency response and Special Operations teams rely on a number of dedicated ambulances, SUVs, and other emergency vehicles and equipment to properly assist you. Our fleet is designed to be wide and diverse to be able to handle your unique needs in any given situation.

Check out page 3 to see some of our retired units!




Average miles traveled per year


Trained Operators

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about our services, please contact us at (845) 563-3111 or fill out the contact form below.

555 Union Ave
New Windsor, NY 12553

Contact Us

General Inquiries
(845) 563-3111

(855) 316-8128

Chief Michael Bigg

Captain John Seymour

President Tom Kotzias

Emergency Contact


(845) 565-3320

For Non-Emergency & General Questions

13 + 5 =

PLEASE NOTE: If you are having an emergency, please do not fill out the form. Instead, call one of the emergency numbers listed above.